U.S . regulatorsapproved on F riday arevam pedbatterysystem for BoeingC o’s 787D ream liner,acrucial stepin returningthehigh-techjet toservice after it w as groundedinJanuary because itslithium -ion batteriesoverheated。
T he F ederalA viation A dm inistration(F A A ) approval of design changesallow sBoeingtoim m ediatelybeginm akingrepairs tothe fleet of 50planes ow nedbyairlines aroundthe w orld。
P lanesnow need to be fitted w ith a“containm ent andventing”system for boththe lithium -ionbatteries. T hat includes a stain-less-steel enclosuretoprevent heat,fum es orfirefrom spreadingif abatteryoverheatsinflight,saidthe FA A 。
FA A adm inistrator M ichael H uertasaid:“A team ofF A A certification specialistsobservedrigorous tests w erequiredBoeingtoperform anddevotedw eeks toreview ingdetailedanalysis of the designchanges toreachthis de-cision。”
Jim M cN erney,Boeing’s chief execu-tive,saidthe FA A’s decision “clears thew ayfor us andthe airlines tobeginthe processof returningthe787toflight w ith continuedconfidenceinthesafetyandreliabilityof thisgam e-changingnew airplane”。
FA A said airlines needed to replace the batteriesto return to service.It said it willpublish a finaldirec-tive next week.O ther internationalregulators are likelyto follow but it will still be a couple of w eeks beforeflights resum e。
A ll of the 50Boeing787planes inservicew eregroundedinm id-Januaryafter their lith-ium -ionbatteries em ittedsm oke onseveral sep-arate occasions。
(廖冰清 编译)